Source code for niemads.DisjointSet

#! /usr/bin/env python
    from Queue import Queue
except ImportError:
    from queue import Queue
[docs]class DisjointSet: '''``DisjointSet`` class, implemented using the Up-Tree data structure for amortized O(1) find and union operations''' def __init__(self, initial=None): '''``DisjointSet`` constructor Args: ``initial`` (iterable): Elements with which to initialize the ``DisjointSet`` (each element will be in its own set) ''' self.parent = dict() # parent[u] = parent of node u self.num_below = dict() # num_below[u] = number of nodes below u (including u) (only current for sentinels) if initial is not None: for x in initial: self.add(x) def __contains__(self, x): '''Check if an element ``x`` exists in this ``DisjointSet`` Args: ``x``: The element to check Returns: ``bool``: ``True`` if ``x`` exists in this ``DisjointSet``, otherwise ``False`` ''' return x in self.parent def __iter__(self): ''' Iterate over the elements of this ``DisjointSet``''' for x in self.parent: yield x def __len__(self): '''Return the number of elements in this ``DisjointSet`` Returns: ``int``: The number of elements contained within this ``DisjointSet`` ''' return len(self.parent) def __str__(self): '''Return a string representation of this ``DisjointSet`` Returns: ``str``: A string representation of this ``DisjointSet`` ''' return str(self.sets())
[docs] def add(self, x): '''Add a new element ``x`` to this ``DisjointSet`` as a sentinel node Args: ``x``: The element to insert ''' if x in self: raise ValueError("Node already exists: %s"%x) self.parent[x] = None; self.num_below[x] = 1
[docs] def remove(self, x): '''Remove the element ``x`` from this ``DisjointSet`` Args: ``x``: The element to remove ''' if x not in self: raise ValueError("Node not found: %s"%x) p = self.parent[x] if p is not None: p = self.parent[x]; self.num_below[p] -= 1 for e in self.parent: if self.parent[e] == x: self.parent[e] = p del self.parent[x]; del self.num_below[x]
[docs] def find(self, x): '''Return the sentinel node of the element ``x``. Implements path compression along the search Args: ``x``: The element to find Returns: The sentinel node of ``x`` ''' if x not in self: raise ValueError("Node not found: %s"%x) explored = Queue(); curr = x while self.parent[curr] is not None: explored.put(curr); curr = self.parent[curr] while not explored.empty(): self.parent[explored.get()] = curr return curr
[docs] def union(self, x, y): '''Union the sets containing ``x`` and ``y``. Implements Union-By-Size Args: ``x``: One of the two elements whose sets will be unioned ``y``: One of the two elements whose sets will be unioned ''' if x not in self: raise ValueError("Node not found: %s"%x) if y not in self: raise ValueError("Node not found: %s"%y) sx = self.find(x); sy = self.find(y) if sx == sy: return if self.num_below[sx] > self.num_below[sy]: self.parent[sy] = sx; self.num_below[sx] += (self.num_below[sy] + 1) else: self.parent[sx] = sy; self.num_below[sy] += (self.num_below[sx] + 1)
[docs] def sets(self): '''Return the sets of this ``DisjointSet`` Returns: ``list`` of ``set``: The sets of this ``DisjointSet`` ''' out_sets = dict() for x in self.parent: p = self.parent[x] if p is None: p = x if p not in out_sets: out_sets[p] = set() out_sets[p].add(x) return list(out_sets.values())