Source code for niemads.MultiwayTrie

#! /usr/bin/env python
from collections import deque
from gzip import open as gopen

class MWTNode:
    '''Node helper class for ``MultiwayTrie``'''
    def __init__(self):
        '''``MWTNode`` constructor'''
        self.word = None
        self.children = dict()
        self.parent = None

    def traverse_preorder(self):
        '''Traverse the nodes of this ``MultiwayTrie`` via preorder traversal starting at this node'''
        s = deque(); s.append((None, self))
        while len(s) != 0:
            curr = s.pop(); yield curr
            s.extend((k, curr[1].children[k]) for k in sorted(curr[1].children.keys(), reverse=True))

    def traverse_postorder(self):
        '''Traverse the nodes of this ``MultiwayTrie`` via postorder traversal starting at this node'''
        s1 = deque(); s2 = deque(); s1.append((None, self))
        while len(s1) != 0:
            curr = s1.pop(); s2.append(curr); s1.extend((k, curr[1].children[k]) for k in sorted(curr[1].children.keys(), reverse=True))
        while len(s2) != 0:
            yield s2.pop()

    def newick(self):
        '''Newick string conversion starting at this node
            ``str``: Newick string conversion starting at this node
        node_to_str = dict()
        for letter,node in self.traverse_postorder():
            if len(node.children) == 0:
                if node.word is None:
                    raise RuntimeError("Encountered a leaf that is not a word node")
                node_to_str[node] = letter + WORD_IDENT
                out = ['(']
                for c in node.children.values():
                    del node_to_str[c]
                out.pop() # trailing comma
                if node.parent is not None:
                    if node.word is None:
                        out.append(letter + WORD_IDENT)
                node_to_str[node] = ''.join(out)
        return node_to_str[self]

[docs]class MultiwayTrie: '''``MultiwayTrie`` class, implemented using ``TreeSwift``''' def __init__(self, initial=None): '''``MultiwayTrie`` constructor Args: ``initial`` (iterable): Strings with which to initialize the ``MultiwayTrie`` ''' self.root = MWTNode(); self.num_elements = 0 if initial is not None: self.extend(initial) def __contains__(self, x): '''Check if an element ``x`` exists in this ``MultiwayTrie`` Args: ``x``: The element to check Returns: ``bool``: ``True`` if ``x`` exists in this ``MultiwayTrie``, otherwise ``False`` ''' if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError("Elements must be strings") curr = self.root for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] not in curr.children: return False curr = curr.children[x[i]] return (curr.word is not None) def __iter__(self): ''' Iterate over the elements of this ``MultiwayTrie`` in ascending order''' for x in self.iter_ascending(): yield x def __len__(self): '''Return the number of elements in this ``MultiwayTrie`` Returns: ``int``: The number of elements contained within this ``MultiwayTrie`` ''' return self.num_elements def __str__(self): '''Return a Newick string representation of this ``MultiwayTrie`` Returns: ``str``: A Newick string representation of this ``MultiwayTrie`` ''' return '%s;' % self.root.newick()
[docs] def add(self, x): '''Add a new element ``x`` to this ``MultiwayTrie`` Args: ``x``: The element to insert ''' if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError("Elements must be strings") curr = self.root for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] not in curr.children: newnode = MWTNode(); curr.children[x[i]] = newnode; newnode.parent = curr curr = curr.children[x[i]] if curr.word is None: curr.word = x; self.num_elements += 1
[docs] def extend(self, xs): '''Add each element of ``xs`` to this ``MultiwayTrie`` Args: ``xs``: The elements to insert ''' for x in xs: self.add(x)
[docs] def remove(self, x): '''Remove the element ``x`` from this ``MultiwayTrie`` Args: ``x``: The element to remove ''' if not isinstance(x, str): raise TypeError("Elements must be strings") curr = self.root for i in range(len(x)): if x[i] not in curr.children: return curr = curr.children[x[i]] if curr.word is not None: curr.word = None; self.num_elements -= 1 for i in range(len(x)-1, -1, -1): if len(curr.children) == 0: curr = curr.parent; del curr.children[x[i]] else: return
[docs] def iter_ascending(self): '''Iterate over the elements of this ``MultiwayTrie`` in ascending order''' for letter,node in self.root.traverse_preorder(): if node.word is not None: yield node.word
[docs] def iter_descending(self): '''Iterate over the elements of this ``MultiwayTrie`` in descending order''' for letter,node in self.root.traverse_postorder(): if node.word is not None: yield node.word
[docs] @staticmethod def read_tree_newick(newick): '''Read a tree from a Newick string or file Args: ``newick`` (``str``): Either a Newick string or the path to a Newick file (plain-text or gzipped) Returns: ``MultiwayTrie``: The Multiway Trie represented by ``newick``. If the Newick file has multiple trees (one per line), a ``list`` of ``Tree`` objects will be returned ''' if not isinstance(newick, str): try: newick = str(newick) except: raise TypeError("newick must be a str") if newick.lower().endswith('.gz'): # gzipped file f = gopen(expanduser(newick)); ts =; f.close() elif isfile(expanduser(newick)): # plain-text file f = open(expanduser(newick)); ts =; f.close() else: ts = newick.strip() lines = ts.splitlines() if len(lines) != 1: return [read_tree_newick(l) for l in lines] ''' try: t = MultiwayTrie(); n = t.root; i = 0 while i < len(ts): if ts[i] == '(': c = MWTNode(); n.add_child(c); n = c elif ts[i] == ')': n = n.parent elif ts[i] == ',': n = n.parent; c = Node(); n.add_child(c); n = c elif ts[i] == ':': i += 1; ls = '' while ts[i] != ',' and ts[i] != ')' and ts[i] != ';': ls += ts[i]; i += 1 n.edge_length = float(ls); i -= 1 else: label = '' while ts[i] != ':' and ts[i] != ',' and ts[i] != ';' and ts[i] != ')': label += ts[i]; i += 1 i -= 1; n.label = label i += 1 except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse string as Newick: %s"%ts) return t ''' return None # not implemented yet