Hyflex Course Design: Student Experiences of Equity-centered Technology Enhanced Curriculum
Published in Professional and Organizational Development (POD) 2023, 2023
Recommended citation: Hadjipieris P, Moshiri N (2023). "Hyflex Course Design: Student Experiences of Equity-centered Technology Enhanced Curriculum." Professional and Organizational Development (POD) 2023. Talk.
Hyflex instruction has gained traction in higher education since the COVID-19 Pandemic. This round table builds off a pilot study offered at POD 2022 to address unanswered questions. Participants will discuss a case study of one large 500-person Computer Science & Engineering Course. The study foregrounds the student experience as it relates to equity, specifically, how to create commensurate, equitable experiences for students across the hyflex modalities. The qualitative results showed several themes which will discuss with the participants. These included the vital role of the instructor, student preferences, and the importance of the design of hyflex courses to support equity.