Massively scalable reference-guided Multiple Sequence Alignment of viral genomes
The COVID Information Commons (CIC) is an open website to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration across various COVID research efforts, initiated by the NSF Convergence Accelerator. The initial focus of the CIC website is on NSF-funded COVID Rapid Response Research (RAPID) projects. The CIC serves as a resource for researchers, students and decision-makers from academia, government, not-for-profits and industry to identify collaboration opportunities, to leverage each other’s research findings, and to accelerate the most promising research to mitigate the broad societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The COVID Information Commons is funded by an NSF COVID RAPID Award #2028999, developed as a collaborative proposal led by the Northeast Big Data Innovation Hub hosted by Columbia University, in collaboration with the Midwest Big Data Innovation Hub, South Big Data Innovation Hub, and West Big Data Innovation Hub. The award commenced in May 2020 and ends in October 2020. It is expected that the COVID Information Commons will continue to be available after the award period.
As an NSF COVID RAPID award recipient, I gave a talk titled Massively scalable reference-guided Multiple Sequence Alignment of viral genomes, in which I discussed the research I conducted under my NSF COVID RAPID award. doi:10.7916/kdj9-2t95